Austin Outreaches:
Our Austin outreaches are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from about 12:00-2:0pm. You can either meet us at our Drop-in location or at the Austin Central Library to start. If you are interested in helping transport are team and supplies, we need volunteers for this. Our first stop will always be the Central Library from 12-1pm. After our rounds here, we will visit an additional location.
Outreach Helper Tuesday Thursday at noon
Outreach Helper Monday evening at 6pm in West Campus
Outreach Helper Thursday evening at 5pm in West Campus
San Marcos Outreaches:
Our San Marcos outreaches are at the Southside Community Center at 518 S Guadalupe St, San Marcos, TX 78666. We meet here from 4-6pm on Wednesdays and Fridays. The center holds a meal for the clients and we engaged with them during dinner. Staff will bring supplies that clients can receive. If you are interested in helping transport supplies, we need volunteers for this as well.
San Marcos Outreach Helper
Want to support outreaches but can't attend?
We are always in need of outreach snack bags, sandwiches and self-care bags. Check out our, volunteer by meeting client needs page for more information.
Volunteer Interest Form
First Name
Last Name
Virtual Team Interests Get word out through social/emailCooking, decorating, planning eventsSpecific needs for thrifting or bargain shoppingWriting, editing, brainstorming, CanvaCalling around, researching solutionsPick up/ drops-off donations, move stuffPrepare virtual courses or do live 45-minute live classDog and cat suppliesNone
Interests that match my availability Event Center: Game Night (M 4-5pm)Event Center: Talent Night (Th 4-5pm)Austin Outreach (T 11:30-2pm)Austin Outreach (Th 11:30-2pm)Austin Outreach (M 5-6pm)Austin Outreach (Th 6-7pm)San Marcos Outreach (W 4-6pm)San Marcos Outreach (F 4-6pm)Sunshine Store (M 11:30-1 pm)Sunshine Store (W 11:30-1 pm)Sunshine Store (F 11:30-1 pm)Sunshine Store (M 2:30-4pm)Sunshine Store (T 3:30-5pm)Sunshine Store (W 3:30-5pm)Sunshine Store (Th 2:30-4pm)Sunshine Store (F 2:30-4pm)Sunshine Store (F 12-1pm)Event Center: Friday Funday 1-2:30pmMaking sandwiches (delivered on weekday but OK to make on weekend or evening)Assembling camping food bags (delivered on weekday but OK to make on weekend or evening)Assembling outreach food bags (delivered on weekday but OK to make on weekend or evening)Assembling personal care bags (delivered on weekday but OK to make on weekend or evening)Making food for Fridays (to be delivered Friday ready to eat)Make frozen casseroles for our freezerVolunteer in our All Recovery Group (Open to individuals with recovery experience only)Volunteer to lead our SYMin Outside the Lines Art Group (By invitation only)
Volunteer impact I'm looking to make Quick Help (8-20 service hours)Big Help (20-100 service hours)Regular Volunteer (once a week for 3 months)School Service Learning Semester (35 hours minimum spread over 10 weeks)Break Team (4-5 days for a week)Behind the Scenes (occasional only)Internship (20 hours per week, 13 weeks)
Anything else you would like us to know?