We want to send a big thank you out to the many volunteers and donors who have stepped up to help us continue to meet clients’ needs for food and supplies in 2022!
As it has for many, the pandemic stressed our supply lines, and we had to get very creative. We revamped our inventory system to better keep track of what we need using live information on our web site.
We update our inventories weekly but also deplete stocks based on the daily client volumes we serve so that supporters can know exactly what we need most. This also allowed us to better analyze and make room for in-kind donors and groups that want to make a difference for our homeless in Austin by assembling personal care bags, outreach food bags, and client camping bags.
These are three staple products that we give out weekly in high volume. Sign up to make personal care bags, camping food bags, outreach food bags, or sandwiches at vol.SYMin.org.
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